Text and directing Dávid Paška
Dramaturgy Jakub Molnár
Stage Július Leon Seiler
Costumes Maria-Lena Poindl
Music Michal Paľko
Camera Xavier Pawlowski
Camera assistant Laurence M. Trottier
Polish translation Olga Aleksandra Stawińska
Production Adriána Lizoňová
Wetzler, Vrba, Schulman, Lux
Where does hatred begin? Why do we tend to downplay evil or remain indifferent to injustice? Are we wiser and more resilient than our predecessors? Is war an inevitable state? Can it be avoided? If not, what happens then? The final credits roll.
"To write poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric."
With these words, German philosopher Theodor Adorno urged the artistic
community to respond to the horrors of the greatest genocide in history.
The fate of three individuals opposing fascism: Actor Štefan Lux, in 1936, travels to Geneva to protest against Nazi Germany; Jewish photographer Faye Schulman, in 1943, buries her precious negatives; writers Alfréd Wetzler and Rudolf Vrba, born in Trnava, escape in 1944 from a concentration camp to document one of the most crucial testimonies of the 20th century.
The performance Snow Negatives: Wetzler, Vrba, Schulman, Lux, directed by Dávid Paška, is an international co-production marking the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II. It is a collaborative project between the JK Opole Theatre (Poland) and the Ján Palárik Theatre in Trnava (Slovakia), with the support of Digital Theatre Academy in Dortmund (Germany).
Cecylia Caban
Andrzej Jakubczyk
Magdalena Maścianica
Michał Świtała
Konrad Wosik
Lukáš Herc
Martin Hronský
Tomás Vravník
Dana Droppová