2025: Tatra Banka Foundation Art Award 2024: Young Creator Award for directing of the production The Odyssey – Roland Schimmelpfennig[6]
Reviews & Feature
Hviezdoslav's message from 1914 remains just as relevant in 2025.
"Nation fell upon nation," resounds from the stage the verse of Hviezdoslav's most famous work.
In the year of the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, but also of the death of Dominik Tatarka, the Drama Department of the Slovak National Theatre staged a production with the short but apt titleTatarka. The artistic and philosophical legacy of the novelist Dominik Tatarka is one of those that suffered from the socio-political...
The Slovak National Theatre staged the production Tatarka. The collage of several texts by the famous author offers an extraordinary experience in the directorial treatment by Dávid Paška.
V režijnej práci sa slovné spojenie "aktuálnosť témy" používa čoraz viac, možno aj ako obhajoba zdrojových materiálov v kontraste k dielam s univerzálnymi, ak nie priam nadčasovými témami. Čo však inscenovať, keď sa z varovných a modelových tém stáva každodenná realita aj v súčasnom kontexte slovenského umenia ako takého? Myslím si (a to bez...